Showing 1–9 of 10 results

  • Dry Bumber/ البمبر المجفف

    25 SAR

    We dry the Bumber fruits under the sun rays. This way, the vitamins, minerals and acids are concentrated, so they become rich and useful for treating many diseases.

    Benefits of dried Bumber fruits:

    • It is used to treat asthma.
    • It improves sleep and treats insomnia because it contains saponins that have a sedative effect, making it ideal for inducing sleep.
    • Improves blood circulation.
    • Boosts immunity.
    • Improves ovarian health.
    • It relieves cough and clears the chest of phlegm.
      Improves skin health.

    Nutrition Facts:

    • Total protein in grams: 15
    • Total Carbs in grams: 9
    • Total fat in grams:.05
    • Calories: 100/100g
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  • Moringa

    20 SAR

    The Moringa tree grows in hot and semi-arid environments, in temperate and warm regions, and in most types of lands. It is characterized by rapid growth, reaching a length of more than 3 meters.
    It was named the tree of life because of its great properties to increase the body’s resistance to diseases.
    The moringa tree grows on Khairat Laziza farm and is distinguished by its greenery and great height.
    Moringa benefits:
    1- It contains many important vitamins and minerals in large and concentrated quantities, as it contains 2- times more vitamin C than oranges and 15 times more potassium than bananas. It contains amino acids, protein and iron that help the body build muscles and raise resistance.
    3– Rich in antioxidants that protect cells from damage, treat stress and inflammation in the brain, lower blood pressure, and reduce the percentage of fat in the body.
    4– It contains an insulin-like protein that helps reduce blood sugar.
    5- It slows the growth of cancer cells and helps in chemotherapy.
    6- It improves heart health and protects against chronic diseases.
    7- A rich source of fibre, protein and chlorophyll.

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  • Dried Basil

    30 SAR

    Dried basil is an aromatic fragrance that helps in relaxation and is used in many dishes and as a treatment as well.

    Benefits of dried basil

    • A good source of magnesium and potassium, which promotes healthy circulation, widens the arteries, and reduces the risk of heart attacks and arterial thrombosis.
    • It treats colds and fights bacteria in the respiratory system.
    • It is considered an antibiotic for the treatment of acne.
    • The body gets rid of extra pounds and helps in losing weight.

    Nutrition Facts

    • Total Protein:  (gm) 3.80
    • Total carbohydrate (gm): 1.9
    • Total Fat (gm) : 0
    • Calories Kcal : 22/100 gm
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  • Dried hot pepper

    30 SAR

    Dried hot pepper is one of the best spices that adds a distinct taste and flavor to different dishes, casseroles, or fillings.

    The benefits of hot pepper

    • Rich in antioxidants that detoxify the body
    • Rich in vitamins and minerals, the most important of which is Vitamin A and C.
    • It contributes to promoting cardiovascular health by lowering bad cholesterol and raising good cholesterol.
    • Regulates the level of sugar in the blood.
    • A substance called Capsaicin is responsible for the hot taste. This substance has a major role in regulating the secretion of the thyroid gland and affecting the centers of feeling full in the brain, as well as increasing metabolic rates and thus burning fats.

    Nutrition Facts

    • Total Protein:  (gm) 2
    • Total carbohydrate (gm): 2.50
    • Total Fat (gm) : 0
    • Calories Kcal : 18/100 gm
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  • Dried Mallow

    20 SAR

    It is from the family of flowering plants and grown for its leaves, making the famous “Molokhia” dish.

    Benefits of dried mallow

    • It effectively fights constipation because of the colloidal substance is present in it, softening the membranes of the stomach and intestine, and also because of its high fiber content
    • It contains a high percentage of iron, as it raises the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
    • It contains vitamin A and is therefore good for maintaining vision health.
    • It contains carotene, which helps the body to overcome infections and diseases.
    • Rich in vitamin C, which helps the body to overcome winter diseases.

    Nutrition Facts

    • Total Protein:  (gm) 6.40
    • Total carbohydrate (gm): 2.30
    • Total Fat (gm) : 0
    • Calories Kcal : 35/100 gm


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  • Dried Mint

    30 SAR

    Dried mint has an attractive scent that calms the nerves, has medicinal uses, and is also used in cooking.

    Benefits of dried mint

    • Treats Irritable bowel in children and adults
    • It is used to flavor food
    • It helps digestion as it activates salivary glands and glands that secrete digestive enzymes.
    • It helps to relax and relieve congestion.

    Nutrition Facts

    • Total Protein:  (gm) 3.20
    • Total carbohydrate (gm): 6.20
    • Total Fat (gm) : 0
    • Calories Kcal : 37/100 gm
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  • Dried Rosemary

    30 SAR

    Rosemary is characterized by its aromatic scent and its therapeutic uses and as a spice in various dishes.

    Benefits of rosemary

    • It contains antioxidants.
    • If used daily, it prevents blood clotting.
    • It works to reduce cortisol, which reduces stress
    • It reduces flatulence and eliminates gases, thus treating poor digestion.
    • It is used to treat liver problems and arthritis.

    Nutrition Facts

    • Total Protein:  (gm) 4.44
    • Total carbohydrate (gm): 2
    • Total Fat (gm) : 0
    • Calories Kcal : 25/100 gm
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  • Paprika

    30 SAR

    Paprika, or sweet pepper, is one of the spices that we get by drying the peppers and they have different colors such as red, yellow, and green, and it has many uses in cooking.

    Benefits of sweet pepper

    • It strengthens the immune system
    • Rich in vitamin C and thus helps to prevent cold diseases
    • It contains beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant and enhances the immune system in the body.
    • It contains copper and iron, which helps to form new blood cells, widens, and promotes heart health and prevents clots

    Nutrition Facts

    Total Protein:  (gm) .80

    Total carbohydrate (gm): 6.50

    Total Fat (gm) : 0

    Calories Kcal : 30/100 gm

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  • Sun-Dried Tomato

    30 SAR

    Tomatoes are dried after picking and cleaning them well, then putting them under the sun until they dry, we then pickle it with our natural vinegar and add garlic, basil, and natural salt.

    We use dried and pickled tomatoes in a lot of dishes, such as pasta, pizza, and sandwiches, also can be eaten as appetizers, as it is included in many appetizer dishes.

    Benefits of dried and pickled tomatoes:

    • It contains Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Vitamin B.
    • It contains a large amount of fiber
    • It contains potassium
    • It contains a very high number of antioxidants, as it removes toxins and helps to strengthen the immune system
    • It contains vitamin D, which strengthens the skin, skin, and hair

    Nutrition Facts

    Total Protein:  (gm) 1.70

    Total carbohydrate (gm): 3.30

    Total Fat (gm) : 0

    Calories Kcal : 20/100 gm

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